Category Archives: Soul Food

Food for the Soul

Welcome to ‘Lite Friday’ here on Anji Kinzy Whimzy. I have a treat for you that may make you heavier. It’s Grandma’s Chocolate Pie! IMHO: Chocolate is it’s own food group and should be at the bottom of the food pyramid. Enjoy!

Buy a pie shell, defrost it, and follow the directions on the package.  I’d list my Grandma’s pie shell recipe but she’d come back to haunt me.
Filling ingredients:
4 tablespoons of cocoa or 5 if you love chocolate!
3/4 cups of sugar
5 tablespoons of flour
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 1/2 cups of milk
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
3 egg yolks, beaten slightly
1 tablespoon of butter

Mix dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients and eggs. Stir in butter. Put on medium heat and stir until it thickens. Take it off the heat and pour it into pie shell.

Meringue ingredients:
3 egg whites
4 tablespoons of sugar

Chill your bowl or put your mixing bowl  into a bigger bowl full of ice cubes. Use mixer to whip egg whites into a froth. Add sugar. Whip some more. Pour on top of pie filling.

Put pie in oven on broil until peak of meringue is browned. Take out and enjoy! I like it warm,  but it’s good cold, hot, warm, or for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 😀